

Testing Your Integrations

CardSavr provides synthetic merchant sites within non-production environments .
These sites allow you to test your CardSavr integration without using live merchant sites.

Explore CardSavr API With Postman

CardSavr environments can be configured to work with tools such as Postman, curl, etc. A Postman template collection of requests is available along with usage instructions at GitHub for the Strive SDK Postman Samples to aide in exploring the CardSavr API.

Synthetic Sites

To help test Merchant Site compatabilty, Strivve uses Synthetic Sites to emulate site behaviors. Synthetic Sites are simple responsive web applications that support a number of different interactive use cases. For example, you can emulate a TFA (One-Time-Password) within your system.

Detailed information regarding Merchant Site testing can be found in the next section: Merchant Site Testing.

User Wait Time Optimizations