Operations and Administration

Partner Portal

Partner Portal - Administering Environments

Each CardSavr environment includes an portal application used in the administration of that environment. This includes creating cardsavr users, configuring applications for use with CardSavr and various other tasks. This portal is known as the Partner Portal and is reachable over the Internet under the domain name for your environment. Strivve provides the initial admin account for the customer to utilize in managing their development environment. Per PCI-DSS requirements, password must be changed on first login and every 90 days after. This requirement to change an initial password applies to all users who are people. Automation users known as agents within CardSavr are not required to changed their password on first login but must have their have their passwords changed every 90 days just like all users.


The Partner Portal can be accessed at https://portal.<environment_name>.cardsavr.io where <environment_name> indicates the name for your environment. For example, https://portal.strivve-dev.cardsavr.io.

The following menu items are available

Menu ItemFunctionality
Admin User PanelCreate and delete users within the environment
Merchant ReportingGenerate usage reports from the environment
App KeysCreate and delete application keys
Edit My User InfoUpdate your user account information
Edit My PasswordChange your password
Financial InstitutionsCreate and update financial institutions. Associate BINs with financial institutions

Admin User Panel

Creating, Editing, and Deleting

User administration is done via the Admin User Panel section of the Partner Portal.

  • To add a user, select the "Add User" button. Note that roles are described here Administrative Roles

  • To search for a user, select the parameter to search for [email, first name, last name, username, or role] and enter the search criteria

  • To edit or delete a user select them from the list and update their account or select delete

App Keys

Creating, Editing, and Deleting App Keys

Application keys allow your applications to access the CardSavr platform.

  • To edit, select the key from the list using the edit button

  • To add an application key, select the "Add App" button

Merchant Reporting

The merchant reporting section provides and overview of the usage by success and BINs.

  • You can search for a usage record by select the attribute [BIN or Status] and entering the search paramter

  • Download a CSV of your usage data by selecting the start and end dates and press "Download CSV"

Edit My User Info

Selecting Edit My User Info allows you to update your account

Edit My Password

Selecting Edit My Password allows you to update your password

Financial Institutions

Financial institutions represent the organizations using the CardSavr environment. BIN information is attached to a Financial Institution and is added to usage reporting.

  • To add, select "Add Financial Institution"

  • To manage BINs, select "Add Bin" associated with the Financial Institution
