Operations and Administration

Operations and Administration

These resources provide information regarding the integration, implemenation, and operation for the CardUpdatr and CardSavr products.

The fastest way to get your integration up and running is to use our Strivve SDK's or, if your environment has signing disabled, you can use the Postman Samples to place your first card at a merchant site.

We’ve attempted to make this documentation user-friendly but if you have any questions, please contact us at support@strivve.com.


Environment: The infrastructure supporting your integration

Partner Portal: The administrative interface for an environment

CardSavr: An API platform that provisions cards as the default payment on merchant sites

CardUpdatr: A responsive web application that utilizes the CardSavr API

Next Steps

If you already have access to a dedicated environment, check out the Partner Portal page for additional information on the portal and suggested next steps.

If you have a Sandbox account, check out the SDK's and REST API or the Postman Samples

Also, you'll want to check out the Testing page for information on the use of synthetic sites.

Merchant Site Testing